Are you betting on nothing going wrong? Why it’s essential to be insured.

Are you betting on nothing going wrong? Why it’s essential to be insured.

Working with and riding horses is an inherently risky thing to do. Around half a tonne of animal becomes wonderfully manageable when you’re both on the same page, but if things go wrong the consequences can be devastating for human handlers. We all know of the high-profile cases where a rider has had an accident that ended their career in the saddle and we share our sympathies and donate to fundraisers to help them, but it’s human nature to assume it will never happen to us.

Accidents happen to everyone

But accidents can and do happen to everyone, from riders brand new to the sport of eventing to those competing at the very top of the sport. And of course, they don’t only happen during events or when you’re galloping and jumping in training. The most innocuous falls and accidents can result in equally disruptive injuries. For riders, groom and coaches who rely on their health to work, which so many riders do, those injuries can quickly disrupt their life in more than one way.

Who will pay the bills if you can’t?

As well as having to deal with the pain and discomfort during the healing process, the inability to work means riders who run busy sales and livery yards, produce young horses and compete for a living can’t earn money. That means bills stack up and unless there’s a big savings pot, things get worrying very quickly. And riders who have staff to pay and a family to support will soon find they face a huge amount of mental stress on top of the physical issues.

Will statutory sick pay be enough?

Even if you juggle a non-horsey day job alongside riding and competing, you might not be able to go to work while you heal after an accident. Depending on your employer, that could mean you only receive statutory sick pay (SSP) while you’re not at work. SSP is currently £109.40 per week and will rise to £116.75 in April of this year. But as our supporters will know, that much money doesn’t go far at all. Not least if you’re paying for livery, feed, vet fees and shoeing for your horse (or horses…!).

That’s why personal accident insurance is essential for riders and grooms of all levels. Insurance means that if you’re unlucky enough to have an accident while riding or on the ground that puts you out of action for more than a few days, you’ll be able to claim for the loss of earnings. They also cover you for disability or death. While you may not want to think about an accident being that bad, it’s essential to have this cover if you have dependents. Most policies also include a high level of public liability insurance, so you’ll be covered if your horse also injures a member of the public. Plus, in some cases you might be able to access additional support to help you heal from any injuries, such as physiotherapy.

It’s worth investing in insurance

So, while it’s tempting to focus almost entirely on our horses, ensuring they have the very best of everything, this is one area where you absolutely must spend money on yourself. We’re here to help British Eventing’s competing members (Intro and above) who need us, but you still need insurance. That way, if you’re lying on the ground in pain and wondering what happened, you’ll have one less thing to worry about. Or, several fewer things, if you know you can still pay bills and focus on your recovery.

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